Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bow Beau and Arrow

Rather than a recipe, this week I am going to tell you about a sweet Etsy store for hair bows and bow ties! How cute are those two kids wearing their hair bows and bow ties? I mean really (ok they are my kids haha)! But seriously we LOVE everything in their shop. Perfect for family photos, events, every day wear, church, etc... And the perfect gift for your children, grandchildren, baby showers, etc...

The shop is closing Dec 15th until the first of the year so they are having a blow out sale. All of my readers will receive 20% off your order of $22 or more using the code BBAAC2013 (expires 12/12/13). If you are spending less than that or want free shipping instead the code for that is FS2013. And through their instagram,  some other hair bows will be posted for sale over the next few days that are not yet listed in their etsy store. So following them on instagram would be a good idea: @bowbeaandarrow

Their shop can be found at

This is my favorite Christmas hair bow.

And this bow tie for Christmas is to die for!!! If you are skeptical about bow ties, I will tell you that everyone loves them. Whenever my son wears his, people are always making comments about how cute they are.

Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are seriously cute and adorable and bows are beautiful too. Thanks for sharing about a new store but waiting for new recipes . Keep posting and happy cooking.
